Tuesday, March 13, 2007

3 tips for Toronto vegetarians

3 tips for Toronto vegetarians

Posted by Victoria Anisman-Reiner
Torontonians reading my recent articles about the pros and cons of vegetarianism - or anybody else - might be interested in trying these three food discoveries!

I'm admitting straight off the top that this is a silly post. In light of my recent article about vegetarianism, I thought some of my readers might be able to make use of the fabulous results of my recent foray into vegetarian health food cuisine. I've found three things I'd like to share:

1. Basil pesto from Sunflower Kitchens

2. Vegepate from Fontaine Sante

3. Free hulled hemp seed samples at Noah's at Bloor and Spadina

1. Sunflower Kitchens is a small operation that cooks up various forms of hummus, pestos, and other dips and sauces to gourmet and health food stores in the Toronto area. I've tried some of their catering, over the years, and it's very good - but nothing compares to their fabulous BASIL PESTO. It has a rich, fresh flavour and is completely vegan - any creaminess is due to the ground sunflower seeds added to the pesto. It'll last for at least two weeks, opened, in the fridge (I've never had one longer than that before I use it up!) and it's great on salads, sandwiches, to dip raw veggies, you name it. Don't confuse it with Sunflower Kitchens' Kale and Basil Pesto - which is not as flavourful.

2. Fontaine Sante is a fresh health food company out of Quebec. I'm not as familiar with their products, but I picked up a small package of VEGEPATE yesterday at the health food store and I was surprised how good it tasted. It also has a sunflower seed base, with onions, nutritional yeast, carrots and other veggies, but it tastes like nothing so much as my Jewish great-aunt's recipe for vegetarian chopped liver. Excellent on crackers. I doubt that it will have the longevity of the Sunflower Pesto - which I like to stock as a staple! - but it's nice on occasion.

3. I was at Noah's Natural Foods at Bloor and Spadina this evening and they have a basket of FREE HEMP SEED SAMPLES on the check-out counter at the front. I doubt it'll last long, but while it does - free hemp seeds! They're a great source of omega-3 oils and of protein. And they taste great. (I was amused to see fine print on the tiny card insert in the package which reads, "Batch 6. THC Test: 0%"