Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Acupuncture: Men are more sensitivelly

My practice is approx. 50/50 men to women. I can fully conclude, without a doubt, that men are more sensitive to the needles than women. Restated, men are, on the whole, much bigger babies than their female counterparts! Yes Yes I understand that as a rule men only go to see their doctor when something is either falling off or they are too embarassed to walk out their door because of some disfiguration, and when they finally do go it is like pulling teeth to get personal information out of them. Why are women so willing to let others help them (collective) and men are stubborn as bulls (competition)?

In the luteal phase of a womens menstrual cycle (from ovulation to menses, day 14-28) when estrogen levels are quite high women too can be quite skin sensitive to the needle poke. Is there a correlation here? Does mens estrogen levels rise when they actually let down their guard enough to allow someone to help them? I think this may be a question for Huang Di and Bob Flaws to figure out !

The long and the short of this ramble is that I really feel that it is important to address the need to figure out how men need to be treated differently. Women like the spa-like TCM clinics that are poping up in the western world, but for the most part, I don’t think that men do. This issue must be addressed. I think we exist in medical systems that were built largely by men to take care of/get to know their women (the protector role men carry with such pride). So, different ideas need to come out from the woodwork from the few practitioners that have actually dedicated some focus to male patients/clients on how, and possibly where to treat the fellas.