Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Energy Medicine in the Real World

Energy Medicine in the Real World

It’s here and it’s being discussed on Oprah. Is Energy Medicine and energy healing work the real future of medicine?

I grew up on aspects of Energy Medicine. My mother studied Touch for Health Applied Kinesiology and Brain Gym when I was a child, so I knew, at least in theory, how profound the impact of energy work could be. Energy testing or “muscle testing” was invaluable for working with my allergies and sensitivities as a child and as a teenager. However, it was only after I took a 5-day Energy Medicine Intensive taught by Donna Eden in August 2005 that I really began to feel the impact that the simplest of these exercises could have on my body and mind.

After the Energy Medicine Intensive, I began to practice Donna Eden’s “5-minute tune up” every morning. Within days of starting to do the three thumps, the hook-up, cross crawl, and all the rest, I noticed that I had more energy, my mind was clearer, and I felt stronger as I used the daily tune-up as part of a morning meditation.

I do everything I can to encourage others to try using these exercises daily - not only for those who are healthy, to improve your strength, immunity, and brain function, but also to help those who are ill come into better balance with your health.

I firmly believe that there are solutions in energy work and Energy Medicine to help almost everyone with their healing challenges - whether they have simple aches and pains or serious illnesses like cancer, chronic fatigue, and MS. Energy Medicine is so versatile and powerful that it can make a difference for almost everyone.

My favorite applications of Energy Medicine are the ones I’ve used the most - those to relax, to “unscramble” a cluttered mind, to help calm kids (children with ADD/ADHD tend to respond especially well to energy work), to ease pain and tension, and to settle anxious pets (believe it or not, they have the same energy systems as we do - it just takes a little more effort to work with them).

I’ve had some experience using Energy Medicine on skeptical relatives when they were sick enough to be willing to give anything a shot. My efforts helped them to feel better, get out of bed, and go back to grumbling about my odd habit of offering to help them sort out all kinds of situations with energy work.

The most exciting thing, for me, is the public perception of energy healing and the way it is gradually becoming more accepted and appreciated. I think we’ve come a long way from labeling alternative medicine “witchcraft” and essential oils “snake oil.” Last week, a doctor appeared on Oprah’s show and called Energy Medicine “the next big frontier” in medicine! You can’t get much more mainstream than that.

Oprah’s guest, Dr. Oz, said, "We're beginning now to understand things that we know in our hearts are true but we could never measure. As we get better at understanding how little we know about the body, we begin to realize that the next big frontier… in medicine is energy medicine. It's not the mechanistic part of the joints moving. It's not the chemistry of our body. It's understanding for the first time how energy influences how we feel."